Friday, June 18, 2010

Cisco Clears Apple to Use 'iOS' Brand

Apple Computer Inc. changed its name to the name of its iPhone operating system simplifies IOS, Cisco seems to trademark infringement.
However, Cisco, it uses the "internal oversight office," the term to describe its operating system to run most of its routers and switches, said it has been authorized to use Apple's term.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that Apple released at its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco speech of iOS4 operating system. In the announcement - its shows in previous next-generation iPhone release iPhone OS4 and then leaked to the Gizmodo Jobs said the mobile phone operating systems has been shortened to "iOS4" the.
IOS runs on Cisco routers, the vast majority, Apple is said to set the mark conflict. Instead, Cisco said in a statement, the company has licensed to Apple word.
"Cisco has agreed to license Apple's operating system as the iPhone, iPod touch and ipad company," Cisco spokesman for the name of the Apple trademark to use the internal oversight office said in a statement. "License, and not just any technology. The use of the mark"
Apple has been down this road before, in January of this year, Fujitsu said it owned the rights ipad company name. But in March, Apple won marks, but the terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

How many iPhones did Apple just sell?

Technically, Apple Computer (AAPL) for not selling any iPhone 4 seconds, but - will have to wait until the first week sales record. However, pre-recorded order Tuesday of view, it is the best ever title for the iPhone launch.
According to AT & T Inc. (T), and Tuesday was "the busiest online sales of AT & T history of the day." Despite the widely publicized server crashes, Apple's entire first production run has been called for Tuesday afternoon, orders placed EDT After 4:30 pm, was postponed until June 25 or later. On, the iPhone 4 ship date has slipped by to the June 24-July 2.
1, issued in the morning, Piper Jaffray's Gene clients report warned that last year and the year before, Apple sales management, 3 days one million iPhone us. Given that approximately 8.4 million 3G version of iPhone owners are required under the new AT & T upgrade eligibility rules, he considered that an additional 1 million units is "to achieve" the next weekend, he is raising his third quarter, Apple's iPhone sales are estimated to 9,500,850 million (from 5.21 million the previous year). Based on these estimates, he also raised the price target on Apple stock from 348 U.S. dollars to 330 U.S. dollars.
However, in the famous over-estimated sales of the previous iPhone, may be hedging his bets Münster. We tend to agree with Silicon Alley Insider's Dan Glenn Frommer, who believes that the launch will be a blowout. Feng Wu predicted by the 4-day sale beginning Thursday, June 24 end, Apple will announce that it has doubled the previous record, selling over two million iPhone 4 s.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Apple vs. Android: Which OS Outpaces the Other?

Apple has just reached the 10,000 th home ipad company's application, in the IPAD to double the size of the application store in just six weeks. After talking about his own milestone, flat panel devices released only two months, but it is just to apply for the IPAD and Apple iPhone: can exceed 20 million, a fraction of the total number, since Memorial Day last month.
In addition, the company has started to accept the Office of Internal Oversight 4-compatible application provides iPhone and OS ipad next iteration of the company's contribution is currently scheduled for release on June 21, marking equipment, and 3 days ago, Apple Inc. the latest products, iPhone launch 4.
However, this is the call to arms has conditions: According to TechCrunch, the non-IOS - 4 application development, reportedly experienced longer allowed to enter the Apple App Store beginning with their products.
In other areas, Google's Android Market has risen by about 72,000 applications, according to figures. There are many new applications continue to increase as early as the information recorded at the scene, set in July 2009 new applications in 1669 compared to 14,294 in May 2010 arrived in new applications.
According to Apple CEO Steve Jobs this week's Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple has received more than 15,000 new applications a week. If accurate, Apple produces about 4 times the monthly applications, the number of competitive Android platform.
Apple also released a hand-held devices, and even in different robots, based on today's market, the number of mobile phones as much as Apple's iPhone is better than providing products.According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Google's partners to provide new cell phone every day about 65,000 robots, or 5.85 million devices per quarter. Apple contrast, shipments of 8.75 million last year, a quarter of iPhone.
However, in early May, said the robot has been in the smartphone operating system behind the second-site use of RIM's operating system released NPD data. Reported, Apple is also behind the 7% percent of Android 21, but Steve Jobs keynote at the WWDC conference evaluation does not agree.
"There is a lot of floating around the statistics, market research, research. Some good, some are questionable," Jobs said, iPhone display from Nelson hinted that the U.S. is actually the second smart phone the company markets a new report.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

What iPhone App Makers Think Of Apple's Ad Blockade

Apple has basically decided to start AdMob and Google iPhone ads out of the economy, AdMob's CEO Omar Hamoui said it would harm developers rely AdMob advertising revenue.

We have talked about a few developers, they have not entirely 100% agreement with Omar, but they worried about Apple's new ad rules.

Apple developers seem to bring great confidence in advertising, and huge advertising revenues. This is because the developers to take care of Apple's best interests. However, the application vendors do not want to rely on mobile advertising.

To be sure, all the developers have to wait and see how to work.

Here are some need to:

Vadim Dagman, mobile gaming company Digital Nishi president said: "I have been using these two Admob and Google (I'm sure belong to the same restrictions) as well as many other suppliers, can be shown, Admob and Google has exceeded all the So far a single network (and far). If they get a fair competitive environment forced to get more competitive pressure on Apple will not feel too much, showing a good performance. ultimately may be worse, so I did not Admob In the iPhone and Google has. "

Another major developer, works closely with Apple and AdMob, said: "Apple is building a large walled garden, which of course is terrible. In Internet addiction, though, I'm sure it will be the best , and stronger than we 'have seen so far, but certainly in the short term. It will provide a good user experience, this is a good procedure for me. "

Justin Siegal, CEO of Mocospace, mobile and social networks of millions of users, CEO said, "I am not the decision, of all fans. It is emphasized that Apple's position that they own, and want their users. However, this may accelerate the development of mobile robot applications, and may shorten the life of the edge, but you can certainly say the opposite, especially if Apple can really make money applications and use their own networks. "

Butte man Bart Decrem, president of the Tapulous tells us that "to some extent, you can understand Apple's decision. They do not want their biggest competitors in the collection of data. Therefore, to some extent, I sympathize." Currency to the issue, he said: "AdMob has done a good job, but with the IAD, Apple has a product it believes it can make money."

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Deal With Apple 'easy,' Microsoft Executive Says

Microsoft may be the world's largest software company, but like other people who do not deal with Apple, but also in the oath of confidentiality.

"We agreed not to disclose our terms," Yusuf said Mehdi, senior vice president, Microsoft's online audience business. On the Search Marketing Expo in Seattle on the stage, he was pressed to discuss the Microsoft and Apple, iPhone users in search of ice as a result of the agreement to include the details of the recent choices.

Mahdi said that some of the new features Apple is in store for the iPhone users soldiers impressed. "The key is that we have done a lot of work on HTML5, we found that some of the prototype, we show the world they WWDC. Those people who really lit everything, we can use HTML5," he said. Microsoft plans to introduce in the next few months, these new features, he said.

Worldwide Developers Conference is an annual meeting this week of Apple.

"They said, 'our customers that we are very happy to try to soldiers, and for consumer choice is good," Mehdi said. "So this is an easy discussion."

The agreement will be soldiers in some of spectators was surprised iPhones, because Apple and Microsoft are fierce competitors in several markets.

In addition to an agreement with Apple, Mehdi spoke of the ice, this is only a year ago with a number of problems.

Although he said the company is proud of the success of the soldiers, he also admitted that it has had its share of mistakes, but Microsoft has a lot to do. Obtained in a soldiers, 200,000 new users each year and get 4 points of market share, he said.

Some products are very good. For example, ice recipes, it allows people to search for food recipes done particularly well. "It's something crazy. It gets huge traffic," he said. Ice travel, shopping and local services are doing very well, he said.

However, "there are many things we have tried did not work, we have to adjust and improve," he said.

For example, Microsoft recently announced it will close Cashback, and a service to the search after the soldier's buyers rebate. The company has done some distribution deal is not worth the investment, he said.

"We have miles of distance, we are making decisions in a good working engine," he said. With known search engine, Microsoft has chosen the military for a policy engine.

When the Mahdi is a cake and candles to submit the first anniversary celebration of soldiers, he played down the significance of the year's increase. , "I did not think we should get a cake and candles. We have a lot of work to do. But it was a great year," he said.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Hong Kong protesters picket Apple supplier Foxconn's annual meeting after spate of suicides

Hong Kong - Protesters blocked Zhou Erfu recreational and annual general meeting in Hong Kong, accused of committing suicide after the Foxconn factories in China two recent spate of Apple's suppliers and business ethics poor giants.
30 protesters held signs said: "The workers are not machines. Their self-esteem," outside a hotel room, for the Hong Kong-listed Foxconn International Holdings Ltd. shareholders meeting.
They also for the apple, devil horns, waving a placard with another feature of the company logo and text of CEO Steve Jobs cardboard cutout "bloody apple."
11 workers killed, 3 Foxconn their business in China attempted suicide this year, mainly workers who jumped.
Protesters also laid a tribute to the deceased workers, the white flowers of Apple stores. Organizer Debbie Chen accused of mismanagement, Foxconn, urged Taiwan manufacturers iPhone and ipad companies to raise wages for workers to form independent trade unions.
Chen said that Apple should do their suppliers to monitor labor and safety standards can be improved.
"They should strengthen corporate social responsibility," students said in a telephone interview.
Apple and Foxconn nobody calls, did not immediately respond to e-mail for comment.
Foxconn - the world's largest contract manufacturer of electronics products - announced the launch of two salary increases, they recently committed suicide laborers. Company officials also installed in the building's safety net and to hire more counselors.
Labor activists accused of a rigid management model, a fast assembly line and forced overtime in the company, but Foxconn denies these allegations.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Best iPod Touch Games

We reveal the best iPod Touch games, we select from iTunes now allows you to travel can get some games, and glorious.

As the fastest growing number of portable gaming platform today, no wonder there are more than a quarter of 85,000 applications (applications) available for Apple iPhone 3G/3G S and iPod Touch owners of digital diversions. In fact, since these devices user-friendly, motion sensing interface, Sharp's 3D graphics, select the title of all ages and interests at a comfortable price changes, and content search capabilities, needs almost any time, any place, and ... well not that we are confident that over 2 billion downloads of the current user has set in App Store, more than a few have purchased the productivity of the furthest from the minds of buyers something. Find the perfect way to kill time while waiting in line at the bus or in a sub-ticket sporting events? Here are our first choice to see the most popular game in the number of categories:

AT&T Is To Feature iPhone 4G Handset