Monday, June 7, 2010

Hong Kong protesters picket Apple supplier Foxconn's annual meeting after spate of suicides

Hong Kong - Protesters blocked Zhou Erfu recreational and annual general meeting in Hong Kong, accused of committing suicide after the Foxconn factories in China two recent spate of Apple's suppliers and business ethics poor giants.
30 protesters held signs said: "The workers are not machines. Their self-esteem," outside a hotel room, for the Hong Kong-listed Foxconn International Holdings Ltd. shareholders meeting.
They also for the apple, devil horns, waving a placard with another feature of the company logo and text of CEO Steve Jobs cardboard cutout "bloody apple."
11 workers killed, 3 Foxconn their business in China attempted suicide this year, mainly workers who jumped.
Protesters also laid a tribute to the deceased workers, the white flowers of Apple stores. Organizer Debbie Chen accused of mismanagement, Foxconn, urged Taiwan manufacturers iPhone and ipad companies to raise wages for workers to form independent trade unions.
Chen said that Apple should do their suppliers to monitor labor and safety standards can be improved.
"They should strengthen corporate social responsibility," students said in a telephone interview.
Apple and Foxconn nobody calls, did not immediately respond to e-mail for comment.
Foxconn - the world's largest contract manufacturer of electronics products - announced the launch of two salary increases, they recently committed suicide laborers. Company officials also installed in the building's safety net and to hire more counselors.
Labor activists accused of a rigid management model, a fast assembly line and forced overtime in the company, but Foxconn denies these allegations.

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