Saturday, June 12, 2010

Apple vs. Android: Which OS Outpaces the Other?

Apple has just reached the 10,000 th home ipad company's application, in the IPAD to double the size of the application store in just six weeks. After talking about his own milestone, flat panel devices released only two months, but it is just to apply for the IPAD and Apple iPhone: can exceed 20 million, a fraction of the total number, since Memorial Day last month.
In addition, the company has started to accept the Office of Internal Oversight 4-compatible application provides iPhone and OS ipad next iteration of the company's contribution is currently scheduled for release on June 21, marking equipment, and 3 days ago, Apple Inc. the latest products, iPhone launch 4.
However, this is the call to arms has conditions: According to TechCrunch, the non-IOS - 4 application development, reportedly experienced longer allowed to enter the Apple App Store beginning with their products.
In other areas, Google's Android Market has risen by about 72,000 applications, according to figures. There are many new applications continue to increase as early as the information recorded at the scene, set in July 2009 new applications in 1669 compared to 14,294 in May 2010 arrived in new applications.
According to Apple CEO Steve Jobs this week's Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple has received more than 15,000 new applications a week. If accurate, Apple produces about 4 times the monthly applications, the number of competitive Android platform.
Apple also released a hand-held devices, and even in different robots, based on today's market, the number of mobile phones as much as Apple's iPhone is better than providing products.According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Google's partners to provide new cell phone every day about 65,000 robots, or 5.85 million devices per quarter. Apple contrast, shipments of 8.75 million last year, a quarter of iPhone.
However, in early May, said the robot has been in the smartphone operating system behind the second-site use of RIM's operating system released NPD data. Reported, Apple is also behind the 7% percent of Android 21, but Steve Jobs keynote at the WWDC conference evaluation does not agree.
"There is a lot of floating around the statistics, market research, research. Some good, some are questionable," Jobs said, iPhone display from Nelson hinted that the U.S. is actually the second smart phone the company markets a new report.

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